Think about it.....Last week I was driving home after work and stopped at the gas station/convenience store just outside my neighborhood. I was pumping the gas thinking about the nice dinner waiting for me me at home (Kim is a really good cook). I was tired and complaining internally about the cost of fuel when I noticed the commotion going on at the gas pump next to me. Two middle age, loud ladies were obviously having trouble with their car. The car would not start and they were trying to figure out how to "pop the hood".
They were cursing and swearing at the old car and the situation they found themselves. They were both puffing on cigarettes and the louder their swearing got the more I tried to hide behind the gas pump. Then they started looking around for a helping hand. Just as one of the ladies started for me a poor soul pulled up to the pump right next to them. A young man in a shirt and tie obviously on the way home, like myself. He told the ladies he was not mechanically inclined and had no tools. He said when he was with his dad and the car would not start they would "pop the hood" and bang on the battery. The young man pumped his gas and then he was gone.................I was still trying to hide behind the gas pump and was quickly putting my gas cap on....... I had the mechanical experience, in excess of forty years of working on all sorts of cars........I had. jumper cables and a variety of tools........decision get involved or run.....Just as one of the ladies was heading straight for my hiding place, the other lady started the old car and then were gone.......hallelujah! ..I was "off the hook".
Then I started thinking about how Jesus would handle the situation. I could not think of a single situation where Jesus would "hide behind pump" when he could help. I had the all the knowledge and tools to handle the situation. What I was lacking was compassion. Does God look at my "situation" and say "because of your sins you are not worthy of my compassion".... Puts his gas cap on and drives off.....Think about the good Samaritan in Luke 10:36 "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" 37 The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise." So, go and do likewise......think about it, Love Bryan