Sermons delivered from our pulpit.
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Powerful And Meaningful Religion
August 04, 2013
Duration: 35:58
Have you ever seen an old abandoned church building? Whenever I do, I wonder about all that took place within the walls. I think about the worship, teaching, and people's lives that were changed there. But then I wonder where they are now. Why is that church building abandoned? Where did all the people go? It was once alive and meant something, but now what? Don't let your religion be like an old abandoned church building. In his writings, Paul gives three statements declaring what powerful and meaningful religion looks like. This sermon applies those statements to our lives today.
Homosexuality - A Nation In Crisis (Part 1)
July 28, 2013
Duration: 35:55
Our nation is riddled with problems. While we love our country, many of us are disappointed with the direction things have going morally as well as socially, politically, and economically. The real problem we have is a sin problem. Homosexuality is one of the moral issues our country is struggling. Our nation is divided on many aspects of homosexuality. What does God's word say about it? Does it actually condemn homosexuality? Are people born gay? How do you help someone caught up in it? These questions and more will be addressed in this sermon.
Let Your Reasonableness Be Known
April 14, 2013
Duration: 41:26
The mindset in our culture is growing increasingly unreasonable. For instance, people will jump through hoops to save an inch long fish in a creek as well as its eggs, but they will fight hard for the abortion of babies. It doesn't make sense. We see such senselessness in morality, politics, and every day thinking. In contrast, God's people will be a reasonable people. We have a great opportunity to shine the light of the knowledge of the Son of God to this lost and dying world.
Modesty:  Its More Than Clothes
April 07, 2013
Duration: 35:38
As the temperatures start warming up, clothing starts coming off. Modesty is a subject that is often uncomfortable and unpopular and as a result it gets ignored by many. However, God's word instructs us to dress in modest apparel. The Bible is full of instructions and principles that give us a good idea of what it means to be modest. This lesson not only addresses the clothing as the issue, but also the heart.
A Life Denying The Resurrection
March 31, 2013
Duration: 35:55
We profess to believe that Jesus arose from the dead; however, does our life reflect that belief? A real knowledge and appreciation of the empty tomb will radically change a person's life. Our problem is often one of unbelieving belief. We believe in the resurrection, but we don't REALLY believe. True belief will manifest itself. This lesson looks at the great impact the resurrection should be having on our lives.
Joseph:  Resisting Temptation
March 29, 2013
Duration: 52:34
Peter tells us that Satan walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Every day we face temptation. Are we prepared to do whatever it takes to resist temptation? Joseph leaves us a great example to follow, but he also reminds us that sometimes doing what is right results in difficult consequences. Even though we may have to suffer, it is always right to do what is right.
Social Relationships In Church
March 28, 2013
Duration: 1:00:51
Local churches are made up of people. This is obvious, but what is often forgotten is that fact that people have problems and these problems often pose a threat to the unity of a local church. This lesson not only looks at threats to our unity, but also some positive manifestations of unity that we don't pay as much attention to. Unity must be sought, maintained, and protected.
The Decisions Of Moses
March 27, 2013
Duration: 37:44
Spirituality and holiness is not a complicated issue. We make decisions on a daily basis that either make us spiritual and holy or make us worldly and ungodly. Moses is a great example for us in how to approach our decisions. He overcame temptations and made sacrifices to do what was right.
It Is Time To Build
March 24, 2013
Passage: Haggai 1:1-5
Duration: 36:50
Following their return from captivity, God's people had done very well in rebuilding their lives and the city of Jerusalem. They had nice paneled homes to live in. Their lives were returning to normal. One problem existed... they had neglected to finish building God's house. Haggai was sent by God to rekindle their fire for doing God's word. His message is a timeless one, truly it is time to build!
Why Do People Fall Away Lesson Finale
December 06, 2012
Duration: 30:00
Sometimes we painfully watch as people who once served God faithfully fall away from Him. It is rarely a sudden thing, but often the final departure still takes us by surprise. If we want to prevent our own apostasy or that in others, or if we want to help people come back who have fallen away, we need to understand why it happens. This series of lessons looks to answer that question
Why Do People Fall Away Lesson 2
December 06, 2012
Duration: 30:00
Sometimes we painfully watch as people who once served God faithfully fall away from Him. It is rarely a sudden thing, but often the final departure still takes us by surprise. If we want to prevent our own apostasy or that in others, or if we want to help people come back who have fallen away, we need to understand why it happens. This series of lessons looks to answer that question
Why Do People Fall Away Lesson 1
December 06, 2012
Duration: 30:00
Sometimes we painfully watch as people who once served God faithfully fall away from Him. It is rarely a sudden thing, but often the final departure still takes us by surprise. If we want to prevent our own apostasy or that in others, or if we want to help people come back who have fallen away, we need to understand why it happens. This series of lessons looks to answer that question
Repentance Renewal Restoration
December 06, 2012
Passage: Acts 3:13-21
Duration: 30:00
One of my favorite TV shows is American Restoration. In it, old pieces of junk are restored back to their former glory. I love seeing relics of the past saved. Sometimes we find our hearts and souls in this condition. Sin creates rust and decay and slows destroys our lives. But God has provided a way to become whole again. This lesson focuses on the subject of repentance... what it is and the times of refreshing it brings into our lives.
The Way Home
December 06, 2012
Passage: Luke 15:11-32
Duration: 30:00
There is something special about home. Going home and thinking simply warms the heart. Spiritually speaking, home means salvation, fellowship with God, heaven, a spiritual family, and so much more. Sadly, we sometimes choose to leave home and wander lost in the world. The parable of the prodigal son reminds us of our condition when this happens, shows us we can go home, and shows us the way home. It's so amazing to think that after all of the wandering we do, we have a Father waiting to receive and restore us to Himself.
Jericho When Walls Tumble Down
December 06, 2012
Passage: Joshua 6:1-27
Duration: 30:00
The victory of the army of Israel over Jericho is a favorite among children. Imagining those walls falling down because of their faith in God is fascinating. This event is not just a history lesson, but an exercise in faith and the power of God. It speaks to us today as we all face walls in our lives that seem too great to tear down. But with God, no wall is too high, too strong, or too wide.
I Once Was Lost But Now I'm Found
December 06, 2012
Passage: Luke 15:1-32
Duration: 30:00
One of the most helpless feelings you can have is to be truly lost. This is especially true when a person is lost spiritual. This sermon looks at the parables of Jesus in Luke 15 and shows what it means to be lost and what it means to be found. In it we see God's love for us even when we wander away from Him.
The Good Alabama Fan
December 06, 2012
Passage: Luke 10:25-37
Duration: 30:00
In the state of Alabama, nothing is bigger than the Iron bowl. It's Auburn vs. Alabama. It may be the greatest rivalry in college football. Sometimes fans from opposing sides act with bitterness and even hatred for one another. This lesson is a modern example of the parable of the good Samaritan... it is taken by an act of kindness done by an Alabama fan for an Auburn fan. Yes, there are good Alabama fans out there! (haha)
Preparing Ourselves For Heaven
December 06, 2012
Passage: John 14:1-4
Duration: 25:00
Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. If we want to go to Heaven, we have to live now like we belong there. How does a person's hope and expectation of Heaven impact their lives on a daily basis? A person does not go to heaven by accident, it is the result of a life focused on Heaven and lived within the grace of God.
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
December 06, 2012
Passage: Job 19:23-27
Duration: 30:00
Job was a man who suffered so much in such a short time. He wasn't suffering for doing wrong, but he was under attack by Satan for doing right. In the midst of his confusion and even frustration, he speaks this great motto of faith: I know that my Redeemer lives and at the last He shall stand on the earth..." It's a motto of faith we can live by today!
Focus On Christ In Persecution
December 06, 2012
Duration: 30:00
All Christians will have face to persecution in their lives. Sometimes it is severe and sometimes it is more subtle. How do we handle it? The answer is to focus on Christ during these times. Peter gives us some direction and hope during such a time. As we suffer we can look to Christ as our example knowing He suffered for righteousness as well.
Dem Entallerunt Chikins
December 06, 2012
Duration: 30:00
August 1, 2012 was "Chic-Fil-A Appreciation Day." Many people chose to visit this restaurant to show support to the President of the company concerning his stance against gay marriage. This day brought to mind several spiritual messages, some were positive and some were negative.
Parenting Proverbs
May 24, 2012
Duration: 30:00
Some of the most rewarding and joyful times in a person's life come from being a parent. At the same time, some of the most frustrating and difficult times in a person's life can come from being a parent. Solomon was given incredible wisdom by God to rule the nation of Israel. He not only used this wisdom to be king, but he also used this wisdom to write some very practical and powerful proverbs on parenting. These words are not outdated... they still work today when put into practice.
When Temptation Triumphs
May 24, 2012
Duration: 30:00
What happens when we give in to temptation? Yes we sin; however, so much more goes on than that. David's sin with Bathsheba is a classic example of the damage done when temptation triumphs. His sin took him farther than he meant to go, cost him more than he meant to pay, and kept him longer than he meant to stay. Isn't this the way sin works in our lives as well? This story isn't just a story about the triumph of temptation, but it is also a story of grace and forgiveness and repentance.
Nehemiah Finale
May 24, 2012
Passage: Nehemiah 2:18
Series: Nehemiah
Duration: 30:00
We all are building something every day. We are building in our own lives, the lives of others, and the life of the local church of which we are a part. Nehemiah shows us a great example of what a man of God can do when he trusts in God and does what he can in serving the Lord and others. He didn't have super powers and he didn't work miracles. He simply worked hard for the Lord and inspired others along the way.
Nehemiah Part 9
May 24, 2012
Passage: Nehemiah 2:18
Series: Nehemiah
Duration: 30:00
We all are building something every day. We are building in our own lives, the lives of others, and the life of the local church of which we are a part. Nehemiah shows us a great example of what a man of God can do when he trusts in God and does what he can in serving the Lord and others. He didn't have super powers and he didn't work miracles. He simply worked hard for the Lord and inspired others along the way.