May 24, 2012
What happens when we give in to temptation? Yes we sin; however, so much more goes on than that. David's sin with Bathsheba is a classic example of the damage done when temptation triumphs. His sin took him farther than he meant to go, cost him more than he meant to pay, and kept him longer than he meant to stay. Isn't this the way sin works in our lives as well? This story isn't just a story about the triumph of temptation, but it is also a story of grace and forgiveness and repentance.
May 24, 2012
We all are building something every day. We are building in our own lives, the lives of others, and the life of the local church of which we are a part. Nehemiah shows us a great example of what a man of God can do when he trusts in God and does what he can in serving the Lord and others. He didn't have super powers and he didn't work miracles. He simply worked hard for the Lord and inspired others along the way.
May 24, 2012
We all are building something every day. We are building in our own lives, the lives of others, and the life of the local church of which we are a part. Nehemiah shows us a great example of what a man of God can do when he trusts in God and does what he can in serving the Lord and others. He didn't have super powers and he didn't work miracles. He simply worked hard for the Lord and inspired others along the way.
May 24, 2012
We all are building something every day. We are building in our own lives, the lives of others, and the life of the local church of which we are a part. Nehemiah shows us a great example of what a man of God can do when he trusts in God and does what he can in serving the Lord and others. He didn't have super powers and he didn't work miracles. He simply worked hard for the Lord and inspired others along the way.
May 24, 2012
We all are building something every day. We are building in our own lives, the lives of others, and the life of the local church of which we are a part. Nehemiah shows us a great example of what a man of God can do when he trusts in God and does what he can in serving the Lord and others. He didn't have super powers and he didn't work miracles. He simply worked hard for the Lord and inspired others along the way.
May 24, 2012
We all are building something every day. We are building in our own lives, the lives of others, and the life of the local church of which we are a part. Nehemiah shows us a great example of what a man of God can do when he trusts in God and does what he can in serving the Lord and others. He didn't have super powers and he didn't work miracles. He simply worked hard for the Lord and inspired others along the way.
May 24, 2012
We all are building something every day. We are building in our own lives, the lives of others, and the life of the local church of which we are a part. Nehemiah shows us a great example of what a man of God can do when he trusts in God and does what he can in serving the Lord and others. He didn't have super powers and he didn't work miracles. He simply worked hard for the Lord and inspired others along the way.
May 23, 2012
One of the biggest problems we struggle with in our faith is complacency. We all face times when we grow lukewarm in our service to God and love for Him. This is something that affects seasoned and mature Christians... no one is immune. As Jesus spoke to the church at Laodicea, we learn that one of the ways to battle this problem is to return to an appreciation of the awesome nature of the Lord. This lesson is a journey through the Bible looking at some of the awesome descriptions of our God. It's hard to be complacent when you're standing in awe of God!
May 23, 2012
We live in a very ME-Centered culture. Many people live selfish, self-centered lives. You can see this displayed by the way people treat each other. It's not right, but we expect to find people living with a "me-focus" in the world. The last place we'd expect to find a "me-focus" is in the lives of Christians and in local churches, however, this focus is often there as well. This lesson challenges us to reconsider our spiritual lives and say, "It's all about God!"
May 23, 2012
When someone asks us how we are doing we typically respond, "I'm good." If someone asks us our opinion on another person we may describe them saying, "He's a good guy" or "She's good girl." We usually are speaking about ourselves and others in physical terms or we are saying that a person is a pretty good moral person. The Bible teaches us that outside of Christ none of us are good. We need to see ourselves and others the way God sees us. This lesson reminds us to look spiritually.
May 22, 2012
In the Bible we have a few conversations recorded involving the devil. One was with Adam and Eve, one was with God, and one was with Jesus during His life on earth. Through these conversations we gain unique insight into the way the devil thinks and works. We also gain insight into ourselves and the situations we face in life. This lesson helps us better prepare for facing our own conversation with the devil with faith and courage.
May 22, 2012
Some mothers in the Bible are very familiar to us... mothers like Sarah, Hannah, and Mary. Other mothers are unknown, even their names are not given in the text. Many mothers today also live "unknown" lives. As far as the world goes, they are a bunch of nobodies. However, because they fill their homes with love and faithfulness to God they are the kind of moms who make a real difference.
May 22, 2012
Drawing conclusions is not just part of our every day secular life, but it's also part of our every day spiritual life. The way we reach conclusions says much about our heart and our spirituality. This lesson looks at the conclusions that were drawn (or jumped to) by individuals surrounding the healing of the blind man by Jesus in John 9. Are we like the blind man, his parents, or the religious leaders?
March 08, 2012
With the rise of Mitt Romney in politics has also come a rise of interest and questions about the Mormon church. This two part lesson takes a look at the church's history and compares their beliefs and practices to the word of God.
March 08, 2012
With the rise of Mitt Romney in politics has also come a rise of interest and questions about the Mormon church. This two part lesson takes a look at the church's history and compares their beliefs and practices to the word of God.
February 19, 2012
James and John had a fiery nature, and Jesus called them 'Sons of Thunder'. In all three conversations with James & John, Jesus provided them balance. We need to help others find balance in their spiritual lives.
February 18, 2012
Zaccheus is known as a 'wee little man' and 'chief tax collector'. However, Jesus saw something in Zaccheus that nobody else was likely to see...Jesus saw not a man with a messed up life, but a man interested in Him.
February 18, 2012
There were many who doubted Jesus' resurrection and Thomas was one of them. And because Jesus did not write Thomas off and because Jesus gave Thomas what he needed, we see Thomas' doubt transformed to a bold faith.
February 18, 2012
A young, wealthy man comes to Jesus wanting to know what he must do to be saved. Just as the young man walked away from Jesus, so will others that we try to reach. Ultimately, people must decide for themselves.
February 18, 2012
As Jesus taught at the temple, a situation arose that commanded his attention. Let's take a look at how Jesus handled this potentially difficult situation.
February 05, 2012
The book of Leviticus is often thought of as boring and even confusing. It seems like it is a list of one random law after another. However, those laws aren't as random as they seem. Particularly, God's health laws were often given with incredible wisdom and love. God had Moses and the children of Israel engaged in health practices that were well ahead of their time.
January 15, 2012
With spiritual introspection, how di we do last year in our spritual growth...our service to God...battles against sin. Like Nehemiah's workers, God's builders today are motivated people with a mind to work!
January 12, 2012
How do we effectively building bridges in evangelism? Connecting with people with different backgrounds and circumstances can be difficult. This lessons discusses those challenges.
January 12, 2012
When we see Christians fall away from the Lord, what can we do to help bring them back? In this lesson we will look at our motivation behind seeking to restore them, the importance of having the right mission, as well as some common mistakes we need to avoid.
January 03, 2012
The apostles were crushed at the death of Jesus. Cleopas and an unnamed person who traveled with him were also experiencing the weight of Jesus' death. As we look at their thoughts and their
experience with the risen Lord on the road to Emmaus there are great lessons for us.