Sermons delivered from our pulpit.

Messages with tag - family

Sin in the House
December 27, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 5:13
Duration: 37:07
Left unchecked, sin can be a destructive force in any home. It is not a question of whether or not sin will impact a home, but what will a home do when sin hits home?
Discipleship in the Church Family
May 03, 2020
Passage: & Mark 1:16-20
Duration: 31:37
What is discipleship? What does it look like in the church family? How does it manifest itself? How do we grow in discipleship? What does discipleship cost us? This lesson aims to answer these and a few other questions about genuine discipleship in the context of the church family.
Aquilla & Priscilla - Marriage - Working Together for God
April 26, 2020
Passage: Acts 18:1-3
Duration: 31:20
Marriage is work. Yet, for disciples, marriage is also working together in the service of God. Aquila and Priscilla demonstrate what this looks like for us in Scripture. This lesson challenges us to think about our marriages as another avenue through which to serve God together.
Purity - A Family Commitment - 2 - Pursuing Pure Children
February 16, 2020
Duration: 33:26
The purity of our children's hearts is worth fighting for. Too many children are having their purity robbed from them by a culture that purposefully seeks to undermine that purity. As part of the Family Focused them, this lesson asks what are you doing to pursue purity for you children?
Purity - A Family Commitment - 1 - Pursuing Personal Purity
February 02, 2020
Duration: 34:09
Are you pursuing personal purity in your life? What does personal purity look like? How do we pursue it? What steps can we take? As part of our Family Focused theme, this lesson covers all of this and more in regards to our personal purity.
Family Focused - The Genesis of Marriage
January 12, 2020
Duration: 31:01
In the beginning, God created, among other things, marriage. What did that look like? How do the ideas of that original marriage impact our marriages today? As part of our Family Focused series, this lesson addresses the idea of marriage from the original perspective of marriage -- the beginning.
Social Relationships In Church
March 28, 2013
Duration: 1:00:51
Local churches are made up of people. This is obvious, but what is often forgotten is that fact that people have problems and these problems often pose a threat to the unity of a local church. This lesson not only looks at threats to our unity, but also some positive manifestations of unity that we don't pay as much attention to. Unity must be sought, maintained, and protected.
To The Unknown Mom
May 22, 2012
Duration: 30:00
Some mothers in the Bible are very familiar to us... mothers like Sarah, Hannah, and Mary. Other mothers are unknown, even their names are not given in the text. Many mothers today also live "unknown" lives. As far as the world goes, they are a bunch of nobodies. However, because they fill their homes with love and faithfulness to God they are the kind of moms who make a real difference.