A common understanding about churches of Christ is that we believe we are the only ones to be saved. To be sure, we can in no way speak for the beliefs of other local churches. At the Trussville church of Christ, we do not believe we are the only ones who will be saved. As a matter of fact, there may even be those among our congregation who will not be saved. Only God can judge the hearts of men.
Nevertheless, this false notion stems from a misunderstanding about the differences between local churches of Christ (congregations) and the church (of Christ - the church belonging to Christ). We believe that the Lord adds to the church those who are saved (Acts 2:47). To be saved, one undoubtedly must belong to the church, to which only the Lord adds and removes. Yet, it is imperfect men who decide who is part of a local church. These imperfect men do their best, using God's word, to be sure that one has been added to the church before embracing them in the fellowship of the local church. Still, membership in a particular local church does not guarantee inclusion in the church. Moreover, there are many throughout the world and throughout time who are added to the church who are not now or have ever been be a part of the Trussville church of Christ. Make no mistake, you must be a part of "His body, which is the church" (Col. 1:24; cf. Eph. 1:22-23) to be saved, but you do not have to be a member of the Trussville church of Christ to be saved.